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05 Jan 2023


Venue: National Art Gallery of Malaysia
Date: 22nd December 2022 – 22nd March 2023
* Special Preview on 14th January 2023 (information to be announced on Instagram)

I’m excited to announce the launch of my exhibition titled “My Alleyway Memories (Once Upon A Longtang)” at the National Art Gallery of Malaysia. It will be exhibited for three months, until 22nd March 2023, so do drop by if you are in Kuala Lumpur!

I am very honoured to be exhibiting for the first time in a national art institution. The exhibition is about my memories of living in Shanghai almost eleven years ago, where I moved to begin my career as a young graduate. 

I lived with my relatives in a 100-year-old longtang - or alleyway house - in the heart of Shanghai. These kinds of houses were a common type of residential architecture during the 1840s-1940s French occupation. Alleyway houses combine Chinese and Western architectural styles, and are built side by side along narrow interconnected passageways to form almost village-like communities. I built a 6 metre tall bamboo structure inspired by the little alleyway that I lived in. Bamboo poles were often brought into the alleyway lanes, to hang laundry and to carry out renovation works. 

The longtangs in Shanghai are quickly disappearing to make way for urban development - my own relatives' house was demolished just two months ago. When I heard this, I wanted to try preserving my personal memories of these alleyways and local residents by making art inspired by photographs that I took while living there.

Besides capturing the liveliness in these alleyways, I hope that the artworks will help more people to reflect on the impermanence of such traditional residential areas in cities and how shared housing spaces offer a strong sense of community and belonging to their residents. . I hope my story will encourage you to dig into your own heritage and roots - you never know where it may lead you to. 

There are eight artworks displayed in this installation. They  were "painted" with burnt red calligraphy paper, a material I began using just this year. I hope that through these artworks, you will get to experience a glimpse of the relationships that are most intimate and important to me, and the mixed feelings of  longing and confusion I still get while reflecting on circumstances that led to my family migrating to Malaysia at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution.

These eight artworks are also available for sale. If you would like more information, please emailinfo@redhongyi.comfor a detailed catalogue.


- Red Hong Yi

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