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Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Centre


I asked my gynaecologist to show me how my c-section was stitched up. “Bet you’ve never been asked this by any of your patients, right?” I told her it’s for my art and she willingly showed me how (thank you, Dr. L!).

The word “MOTHER!” and the stitch on the belly area of my artwork were stitched in the way surgeons close up c-section wounds. The embroidered scribbles to the left and right of body print were thoughts that I jotted down before and after giving birth. I wanted them to reflect my handwriting and my frazzled, raw and honest thoughts about this whole experience. There are hints of objects that I’ve had to use pre and post birth too - like supplements, muslin cloths and diapers. I also chose to stitch all these onto a raw canvas so the piece is presented in the most bare, vulnerable way possible.

我请妇科医生给我看剖腹产手术是如何缝合的。"我敢打赌,你的病人从没问过你这个问题,对吧?我告诉她这是为了我的艺术创作,她很乐意向我演示(谢谢你,L 医生!)。

我的作品上的 "MOTHER!"字样和腹部的针脚是按照外科医生缝合剖腹产伤口的方式缝合的。人体图案左右两侧的刺绣涂鸦是我在分娩前后记下的想法。我希望它们能反映出我的笔迹,以及我对整个经历的焦虑、原始和诚实的想法。还有一些我在产前和产后必须用到的物品,如营养品、薄纱和尿布。我还选择将这些东西缝制在未加工的画布上,使作品以最裸露、最脆弱的方式呈现。

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