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Climate is Everything

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Photos by Annice Lyn


In February 2021, TIME magazine commissioned an art piece to illustrate the dramatic effects of climate change on the world. The resultant piece, titled “Climate is Everything” , was published on the cover of its April special issue, as a way to ignite conversation on global warming and climate change.

The artwork was a 3 x 2.3 meter installation of a burning world map made of 50,000 green-tipped matchsticks that were manually positioned on a timber board. Each matchstick was trimmed and adjusted to different heights, bringing every country and continent into topographic focus.

It took less than two minutes for the flames to burn everything down, in a powerful showcase of how climate change affects the planet as a whole.

2021年2月,《时代》杂志委托一幅艺术品,题材针对全球气候变化对环境的影响。作品命名为 “Climate is Everything” 其后登上其4月份特刊封面,成了全球暖化与气候转变的城中热话。

该作品尺寸于3米 x 2.3米,是一幅由5万根绿端火柴而组成的世界地图图像。火柴先经过修剪并调整至高低不一以制造出自然的地形,其后一根根地用手被装置到板上。


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