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WWF Tiger Trail 2022



“Endangered Forms” is a life-size tiger sculpture encased in an intricately corded and knotted rattan cage. Constructed with natural materials, it portrays the predicament of wild tigers, which are an endangered species increasingly threatened by extinction. The art piece was displayed in various public spaces around Singapore in 2022, as part of a series of artworks to support the World Wide Fund for Nature Singapore’s campaign to raise awareness on tiger conservation.

“濒危形态” 是一尊与实虎大小一致,被包裹在藤笼里的雕像。主要运用天然材料、传统纸扎及绳结艺术,作品引领观众反思正濒临灭绝的野生老虎与纸扎艺术的命运、保存它们所需的热情与牺牲,以及它们灭绝后的后果。该雕像于2022年在新加坡各地公共场所展出,目的是为了提高保护老虎意识,并为世界自然基金会出一分力。

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