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Future Relics

Photos by David Yeow

2018 - Ongoing

“Future Relics” is a series of 10 eggshell art pieces featuring traditional Chinese vases, each portraying qualities of femininity through a 21st century Asian lens. The artist was inspired to use eggshells observing discarded porcelain pieces during a trip to visit the ceramics factories in China, and how eggshells, as a medium, could convey delicate themes of fragility, fertility and femininity. The idea was subsequently refined by studying the Japanese art form of kinsukuroi and the coquille d’oeuf technique of setting eggshells on panels.

The first vase piece was created in 2018, using eggshells and acrylics on wood panel. It was crafted in solitude, with a desire to dismantle the ideals of wholeness and celebrate the beauty of imperfection. Subsequently, the remaining nine vase pieces were created with the support of three Malaysian female artisans. The thought-provoking conversations held with these artists inspired different themes such as politics, marriage, education and even the #MeToo movement, which are featured in these artworks.

“Future Relics” 是一组由十件蛋壳作品而形成的花瓶图像系列,每一件展现着21世纪亚裔女性的特质。自参观中国陶瓷工厂时所闻见被废弃一旁的瓷器,决定利用蛋壳为主要制画材料来表达脆弱、生育及女性之敏感题材。该构思其后通过研究日本的金丝楠木艺术与蛋壳镶嵌技法,精致地展现出来。

并用蛋壳与亚克力颜料在木板上,第一件花瓶作品于2018年诞生。该作是艺术家在孤寂的心境下制成的,希望通过作品去打破整体性的理想主义并表达不完美之美。随后,其余九件花瓶作品是艺术家与三位马来西亚女工匠携手合作而成。在制画过程中,艺术家与工匠们的谈话也引发了令人深省的社会课题,如政治、婚姻、教育,以及 #MeToo 运动,这其后一一在作品系列里展出。

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